Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Saturday, 30 May 2009
"It feels so dangerous...I don't know where you are..."
Dan Brown's "Angels and Demons" is the most gripping book I have read this year .FACT.
After being forced to read two books from September '08 through to May '09, that were (to put it midly) extremely and utterly mind numbing :(
I will name and shame these two books, both with good intentions but when you have to analyse them in microscopic detail for an AS level they can get kinda boring and lose the magic that is to sit down with a good book and relax.....
The books I refer to are Peter Carey's "True HIstory of the Kelly Gang" and Truman Capote's "In Cold Blood"
I will NEVER...EVER be reading them again .FACT.
Having seen the film "The DaVinci Code" I thought it was okay (so obviously the book will be better)
So when I found that under my bed..all this time..there was Angels and Demons I nearly had a heart attack (not literally I'm only 17!!) I haven't been able to put it down since I opened the first page and thought WOW!
Unfortunately I have to also revise for Biology and Chemistry AS which is in like 2 days (bio) and four days( chem) so I haven't really devoted all my precious time to this book. I can't wait for my exams to be over then I can just sit down..relax and read this book in peace!!!
Friday, 29 May 2009

I just love these two films as the creators are so intelligent and imaginative!
Moving on to the penguins in Madagascar 1&2 (who are my second favourite characters) Rico, Kwolski, Private and Skipper. Skipper's voice is sooooooo funny so everything he says is funny. Even his expressions are priceless and the fact that the penguins are so clever and whitty when they hijack the boat (mad.1) and then hijack loads of jeeps in Africa (mad.2) ....there's alot of hijacking going on!!!!!

"don't look doll....this could get serious"

"We've been ratted out boys..."